Episode 7

December 20, 2024


VII The Chariot

VII The Chariot
VII The Chariot

Dec 20 2024 | 00:49:24


Show Notes

Welcome to Intarotgation, where guidance will always find you when you need it. This week we are joined by one of many GM's in a Trenchcoat Kim! (https://bsky.app/profile/dewonatree.bsky.social

you can find all their work here! (https://linktr.ee/dewonatree


Intro and outro theme is by Farris of Goblets and Gays you can find more of their work here https://efarrisgames.itch.io

Additional tracks by East of Heaven and Will Harrison on Epidemic sound, check it out here! https://www.epidemicsound.com/artists/east-of-heaven/ https://www.epidemicsound.com/artists/will-harrison/ 

Intarotgation is a Goblets and Gays Presents production you can follow the show and all our other work here https://linktr.ee/Gobletsandgays as well as here https://bsky.app/profile/intarotgation.bsky.social 

You can reach out to our show Directly at [email protected] 

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:19] Speaker A: Hello and welcome to Interrogation where guidance will always find you when you need it. I am your guide, Dusty. I use they he pronouns. And today I'm joined by one of many GMs in the trench coat. Kim, why don't you go ahead and introduce yourself, tell people about you where they can find you. [00:00:39] Speaker B: Oh goodness. Hi, I'm Kim. She her pronouns. You can find me primarily over on five gyms in a trench coat. I'm the social media guy, audio editor, cast member, bunch of other hats for that show. We're a TTRPG actual play podcast where we rotate GMs and TTRPG systems each season. So that's super fun. Currently have our season three out right now and a little little spoiler alert. My season's the, the next one that's I'm going to be season four so that'll be exciting. And you can find me across the interwebs at do on a tree. D E W on a tree. And yeah, that's me. [00:01:16] Speaker A: Beautiful. I'm very excited like also like you do like animatics for the show and like it's so clean. Like all the character art is so clean for the show. [00:01:28] Speaker B: Our artist is so good. [00:01:30] Speaker A: Yes. Look A plus social media presence. Because that shit's hard. Okay. [00:01:34] Speaker B: That shit's so hard. And sometimes you got to be like I got to be a silly little guy on the Internet. [00:01:39] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:01:40] Speaker B: That's just how it has to go. [00:01:43] Speaker A: I love that. But speaking like actual plays and all that, what character are we going to be talking to today? [00:01:53] Speaker B: We are going to be talking to my season one character for five GMs. Her name is Runtha Bee. Goes by be Glade. She's a little plant person, I think. I can't remember exactly her canonical height but she's a short little. She's a short little lady. She has like long fine hair and she's. I think she's around her late 50s now from when the show ended. So that's where we're, we're kind of at and working with right now. [00:02:23] Speaker A: I love their names so much. Is it because like they're the a runt as well? [00:02:31] Speaker B: I yeah, I didn't really like think about that until we were like playing cuz I was like oh, you know, run the Be Glade. I was just like thinking of like fun like kind of plant dish, like nature related names because she's a, she's a plant person. And so I was like what are fun little names that I could go by? And I also like complicated kind of fun names that you can say that have good nicknames to them. And so Runt the Bee came about. But I like. But I was like, yeah, no, because she's like, she's short so she's like a little, like a little runt almost. So. [00:03:02] Speaker A: Yeah, that's so good. I love them already. But what, let's like tell us a little about them. Like what has their story been like? Like I guess even pre the show or during the show and like where, let's, let's do like this. What's your story been and where. When are we going to be talking with them or doing this reading for them? [00:03:35] Speaker B: Okay. Yeah. So their story she began. We did a session zero at the very beginning and that's where her story started. She was around 18 years old and in the world that we were in there were dragon riders called Cavaliers and she was trained and pretty much went on her first mission as one of those. And that mission went very bad. And she learned that they, the government leprecure were up to some like shady things with transporting dragons. And there's a lot of like tensions between like the. Because they're also like sky islands. So it's like the upper world and like the lower world and all of that sort of stuff. So the main season takes place. I think it was. No, it was a while. It was like 40ish or something years after that. That starts when she was like in her early 50s at that point and pretty much that whole thing is like they. She had joined the rebellion and was working with the rebellions in that like small gap of time and pretty much the entire series. We explore her being put in this very interesting position because she was the most level headed character of the group. And just inherently I think it was a her like caring and motherly nature that like pushed her towards a sort of leadership role within the group. And then eventually ended up her story. She became the leader of the rebellion. There was a lot of like inner party tensions and things that we were working out and she was always the one that would like try to help resolve them or just be the middleman and trying to talk and figure things out. There was a point in which she got seriously injured and I had made the decision to take her out of recording for a bit and played a different character while she recovered. And it was really interesting to also explore like the dynamics there with the party and like where exactly she sat. And then it was also fun to like work through the character dynamic of her during that time of recovery and like, really sat back and got to, like, think about who she was becoming at that point, because I think that happened around the middle ish of the season. And so it was, like, where her story had gotten up to that point and where I was thinking that she was going. And so before then, she wasn't a very, like, combative character. I had built her primarily as a defensive one, and I think from that point on, she had taken on a little bit more combat skill, had become a little bit more in tune with, like, her own magic, because there was magic that exists in the world. So she was coming in tune with, like, her own magic and that sort of thing and exploring, like, what her combat capabilities were. And then from there on out, she kind of became, like, the de facto leader and everything of the group. And then eventually, where we ended off, five years later, she was the head of the rebellion. And so now we're speaking with her at the point in which she's trying to figure out if she should retire, because for a long time before we even started this season, she had been considering, like, just going off to, like, a farm and retiring and not, like, the sort of life that she could have lived was so removed from all of that and just being like, well, I could just go farm and just live a simple, peaceful life. And I think now, at this point point in her life, she's trying to figure out she's at this kind of crossroads of, do I leave? Have I done everything I think I can? Is there anything more that I could contribute? Is me leaving a terrible idea? And I think she's trying to figure. Figure out where to go from here. She has this really big, like, push and pull that she's currently dealing with internally. [00:07:39] Speaker A: That is, they've been through so much. That's so I, I, I love that. Like, like, so I'm gonna go. Coming from, like, a show perspective and, like, a campaign, like, I love, like, taking them out and then bringing them back later is just, like, good story time. Kudos to all of y'all. That's, it's. And you. That's a great decision. And now, like, I, I love a rebellion story, but also, like, coming to a character just, like, am I getting too old for this? [00:08:14] Speaker B: Actually, yeah. And can I keep doing this? [00:08:18] Speaker A: Yeah. And, like, thinking about that just because I'm gonna bring in. And I don't like, an analog that that brought me to it as someone older. Like, this is giving me Marva for andor vibes. [00:08:31] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:08:33] Speaker A: Someone that is maybe not in this case, but Technically, well past their prime, but it's still, like, I still have fight in me because there's still fights to be had, but also, if my age is fighting. Oh, just. Oh, I love. I love them. Especially, like, coming from a defensive character. It's like, okay, well, I need to, like, work on this because I can't defend stuff. Like, that's like, Dragon Ball Z. As hell of you. I've been playing a lot of Spark King zero. So. [00:09:13] Speaker B: My partner Adam keeps telling me that we need to get the game so he could play it, and I could watch him play it because he loves Dragon Ball Zone. [00:09:22] Speaker A: It's. It's so, so good if you. I'm a Dragon Ball, like, kid. Like, unsurprising. I think I'm. I'm a Latino born in Southern California. Slash, like, we live in Mexico in the 90s. Yes. [00:09:34] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:09:35] Speaker A: Dragon Ball kid. Okay, well, I'm gonna ask a couple questions. One. Like, one question, I think, and I think this may be an interesting one from. For this character. What is one infallible truth that they believe in? [00:09:57] Speaker B: One infallible truth that they believe in? I. I think that. I think that something that's very interesting with Bea and especially her character and everything is that she believes that there is always some type of good in everybody, which made her a very interesting character to play, but that she thinks, like, that there is this. People can be good, and people. There is that quality in people, even if they may not, like, I guess, outwardly or, like, explicitly display. So, yeah. [00:11:00] Speaker A: I think that kind of, like, matches with, like, how you were framing them, which. Yeah, that. That makes sense. Like, I think that's not uncommon, especially for someone that's still been through a lot. Okay, okay. In the same vein, have they had something that they believe to be true have been shaken from that, like, has shown itself to not be, and have they changed from that knowledge? [00:11:36] Speaker B: So there was an instance towards the end of our campaign where she kind of had to, I guess, sort of confront that and kind of. It kind of reared its ugly head. So the Rebellion leader during that time. So we'll go back a little bit. There was. I can't remember exactly what his title was, but he was practically like, the leader of the Cavaliers. His name was Rodrigo. And for some crazy events that happened in the campaign, one of the party members had basically kidnapped him and held him under Rebellion's control. So that was a really big plot point for us. Totally out of left field, unexpected for everybody. And so there was this whole tentious thing, and Then at one point, he got murdered while he was in the rebellion's control. And it was a big thing of figuring out who done it and that sort of thing. And she had a conversation with the rebellion leader. His name was Mabel. And she had this conversation. And it was pretty much like a lot of dancing around words and not saying certain things, but, like, the subtext and. And just the undertone of the things that were being said kind of gave her everything that she needed to know about what happened and what exactly occurred for that. And we had actually. It was never said, like, in campaign on Mike. It was something that we talked about afterwards after the game. And we did like, our whole little, like, debrief. And our GM Tanner got to drop all of the lore and things that we're working on. But basically, Mabel was the one who pretty much executed Rodrigo in his cell because he was a cavalier way back when, had a mission go terribly wrong, and the reason why that he didn't have a dragon. And so he had held, like, a bunch of, like, harbored resentment and things like that towards Rodrigo, and eventually had this, like, perfect opportunity to sort of take that revenge. But then Mabel had that, like, immense amount of guilt and things like that. And then you had Bea, who came in and was like, so, like, why did this all go wrong? And that sort of thing. And so that moment for her, I think, like, showed that not only are there, like, sure, you can be a good person and you can have good in you, but that doesn't take away from the fact that sometimes you do bad things. And it's that whole thing of, like, does that in whole make you a bad person? And what is that? Is. Is that person then worthy of redemption. And that was a really big thing from that point on that we explored and specifically with Bea, because of her. Her sort of, like, trying to see the good in everything in this world in which things aren't always good. And so she kind of walked away from that being like, well, I don't know if I can fully forgive you, and I don't know if you can ever be fully forgiven for what you had event what that, like, repercussion had on. On us and, like, not just me, but, like, the entire, like, community pretty much. And just because you had this, like, resentment and just because you were trying to incite action through for us to incite action, you know, there were still so many lives lost. And it's. It was one of those things of like, yes, there are good in people, but there's also that existing, like little, little, you have a little angel and a little devil on your shoulder sort of thing. And so I think that was a big, like, lesson and point in her just kind of character growth. [00:16:00] Speaker A: Yeah, I would say so. That had so many turns. [00:16:07] Speaker B: It was wild to play out. [00:16:10] Speaker A: I, I could imagine. But a fun character, really. This is, I'm just out here just like, maybe I, like, need to just get good at listening stuff fully listen to this. I, I, I have the curse that most AP podcasters have that's hard to listen to shows. [00:16:32] Speaker B: Yes, I know exactly. I know exactly the curse, because. Me too. [00:16:37] Speaker A: Yeah. So what I, like, maybe one more question before we get into the rest, is they were the leader of the rebellion. They currently are the leader of the rebellion. Is that correct? [00:16:52] Speaker B: Yes, they at this moment still are. [00:16:57] Speaker A: So as the leader of rebellion, as someone that's been taking part of this has at any point their faith in what this rebellion is doing faltered, shaken. Have they believed that they're actually fighting for the right thing, like, ever once? [00:17:19] Speaker B: I definitely think there have been moments in which she's kind of questioned, like, it was that sort of thing of like, are we really doing good? And are our intentions really what we want them to be? You know, are they, are we actually trying to make change or are we just trying to boot out one of the bad guys and then does that make us a bad guy who's just replacing that and just keeping that cycle going? So I definitely think she's had those, those moments. There was one point in our campaign in which the equivalent of bombs were introduced and we had a whole character, like, point intention in which one of the player characters, Jack, wanted to be like, well, what if we just bombed one of the Republic cities? And it was a whole point in contention in the party and it was basically Bea being on the side of, like, why would we, why would we harm a bunch of innocent people for the sake of the rebellion? And does if we do that, then who are we? And like, are we really, are we replacing the bat or are we just becoming the bad? And so I feel like she's definitely had those moments throughout her time of, like, people with certain intentions and certain things trying to make certain calls be had. And it's like, well, if we do, if we act on those, then are we no better than them sort of thing. So I definitely think she's had her faith in it shaken a few times. [00:19:10] Speaker A: How about now? [00:19:12] Speaker B: Now I think she's, I think she's questioning if it's in a Good place for her to leave if it's. If she feels as if she were to leave, everything doesn't and fall apart and. But she's like. But I know there's good people and there's people there that can take over that, you know, it should be able to continue and sustain. But you know, there's still a fight to be had and if I'm not there, you know, how. How will it turn out and that sort of thing. So I think that's kind of the inner turmoil she's dealing with right now. [00:19:58] Speaker A: Just a character that's just like a character. Like it's like I got issues like the rest of us. Come on. [00:20:06] Speaker B: Okay. [00:20:08] Speaker A: Beautiful. I usually ask what would they have, what kind of questions they have going in. But I think we've actually kind of naturally brought those up of what they would be looking for right now. So I think let's get into the reading. Hello and welcome to actually a proper mid roll this time. I think this is actually kind of like a mid roll. I forget how long this actual next part is. So maybe it's not a mid roll. Maybe I'm just lying to you. I don't want to be lying to you. It may just be circumstance. However. Hello. Hi. Hope you're enjoying. If you cannot tell, I'm totally enamored with this character and I hope you are too. I hope this next the reading will be very exciting. But you should definitely check out the show. What show? 5 GMS in the Trench coat we've just been talking about this whole time. But you should definitely go check it out. Go just like Kim does a lot of cool stuff. You could go check out that with the other GMs that are also inside that trench coat. They do a lot of cool things. Follow their tick tock for as long as it's around. And they. I think they have other social medias but you can definitely check it out at link Tree slash do on a tree which is like do like Mountain Dew bad thing. I know it's actually like tree do but like work with me. It's on a tree. You know, tree do do on a tree. That will be in the description. You could also check out one of Kim's other podcasts, Film Spleen. It's where Kim and their co host ramble about all things film. You know, good film nerd. Like really good. I haven't listened to it yet unfortunately. I. I guess I'm a fake fan. But it's. It has Kim so it has to be good. So Just definitely check it out. And also check out their magic show amateur dragon Highland her. It's currently on hiatus, but it will be coming back soon in the new year, so that's very exciting. Just. Yeah, go. Go follow Kim. Go follow the GMs. All of them. All. All of them go. Go ask for to shake their hand from their trench coat. Hopefully all five hands will come out and they'll all shake your hand. I'm really tired. You're gonna hear the rest of the episode. Bye. If you would, could you please tell me, set the scene where run the be run to me. [00:22:45] Speaker B: Yeah, Run the be run to be. [00:22:47] Speaker A: Where would run to be would be either seeking out someone to help with guidance or stumble upon this person that we're going to talk to. [00:22:58] Speaker B: Absolutely. So I think that the day that this happens, it's a very. It's almost like a. Like a perfect day. The. The sun is shining, there's a slight breeze hitting her face and, you know, like, lapping at her hair. And she's just walking through the streets of the Republic now. And. And I think that this has been a part of town that she doesn't visit too often, maybe because it's too far or like. She's also a very busy person. So I don't think she gets out a ton from her office from all the paperwork and stuff that she has to do. And so I think that this is just one of those days in which she has a small bit of free time to just go and enjoy just outside and that sort of thing like that. And so I think she's walking the streets and I think that she sees this, like, small, little sign that's sort of along the lines of, like, readings here. I like something like. Like guidance, if guidance is needed and that sort of thing. And I think that she's. She's kind of like Ben. As she's walking, I think you could see her just kind of like picking at her, like, fingers and like, her shoulders would probably be very tense. And I think that she would be watching, like, her steps as she would walk and that sort of thing, and just occasionally glance up to make sure she's not running into anybody and that sort of thing. Trying to figure some things out on this walk. [00:24:50] Speaker A: Yeah. And I think that sign for this tiny, tiny shop, you. You may have even like, been here maybe once before. I've never seen it. And it does beckon you in. And as you walk in, it seems to be just like a very small place. One. One large room, almost no bigger than that of like a living quarters. And they're on the walls are shells lined with odds and mis ends. You see a wall like on one of the shelves is like a strange maybe crystal ball that seems to be cracked. There seems to be like bags of like it says like adventuring gear and big like sign labeled under it. You may even see some things that seem to be like clothing are like small pieces of like gloves or boots or something that have emblems of. I should actually ask this, does the rebellion have a emblem or something or something signifying it? [00:25:56] Speaker B: Yeah, they have a, they have a crest. [00:25:59] Speaker A: Well you see gloves and boots with that crest kind of on it. And they don't seem to be new. They seem to be maybe have found or something kind of like line these shelves. And on the far side away from the door, there's someone at a desk. They seem to be wearing long flowing like almost like iridescent looking robes and has a large hat on and a shawl covering their bottom half of their face. And say hello, hello, welcome, welcome to my place. How may I help you? [00:26:38] Speaker B: And I think she kind of like is looking around at all of like the, the trinkets and things that are on the shelves and that sort of thing. It's like. I don't know if it's so much. I saw a sign outside and it said that you might be able to provide some guidance. [00:27:02] Speaker A: Oh yeah, yeah, yes, of course. I, I can offer you some insight about some questions you may have. Not necessarily answers, just a deeper look at these things. If you, if you would like some guidance or like I have and they're going to kind of like wave their arm at like the empty table behind them and a deck of cards appears. It's like, yeah, this, this, this deck of cards here can definitely provide some help with you. [00:27:44] Speaker B: I'm unfamiliar with that. How, how would a deck of playing cards just help me figure things out? [00:27:53] Speaker A: Oh well, these, they're not playing cards per se. And they're gonna kind of like go over there. Seem to be on a little taller side. So. But it's hard to tell if they're just taking a lot of steps or they have very long legs when they move because they get there incredibly fast. And so these are called. Some places have so many different names for the middle. I call them tarot cards. And these cards, though simple looking, do carry some power in them really. It's kind of. They sense what needs to be told and kind of provides the, not necessarily the words but the layout of the sentence. If you would. [00:28:43] Speaker B: I think I know what you're saying, and I'll be honest. I think something like that might really help me right now. [00:28:54] Speaker A: Yeah, of course. Well, and they're gonna snap. And two chairs show up, one near them and one opposite of them. It's like, please, please sit down. Get comfortable. Did you need tea or anything like that? [00:29:10] Speaker B: I'll take some tea if you have it. [00:29:13] Speaker A: Great, great. They're going to run to one of the shelves, and in this container that seems to be just made of, like, pure moss, they open up the lid and take out a bag of what you assume to be leaves and is going to wave their hand as they get closer to you. And then, almost as it was plonked onto the table, two hot cups of water. And they're gonna pour the tea leaves in. Like, gotta let it steep a little bit. But please sit down as we do. So do you have a big question in mind before we get started with all this? [00:30:01] Speaker B: I do. I don't know if this will be the right kind of question. I'm not entirely sure how this sort of stuff works. I don't know if it's too vague or whatever. [00:30:15] Speaker A: Well. Well, it could be as vague or as meaningful as you'd like. I think the intention will arrive when you need it. You don't have to tell me, but if you'd like, you could tell it to the cards themselves, and I could just kind of lead the questions, lead the responses. [00:30:35] Speaker B: All right, that sounds good. [00:30:40] Speaker A: Great, great. Go ahead, go ahead. [00:30:45] Speaker B: So I just speak to this deck of cards. [00:30:48] Speaker A: Yeah. Just like you would any other person. [00:30:53] Speaker B: All right. I guess the big question I have is, is leaving the right decision to make. [00:31:11] Speaker A: See, I see. As you do, three cards actually float seemingly of their own volition from the top of the deck and land in front of you. Three laid out well, so I guess the deck listen pretty quickly. So let me. Let me give you an idea of what's going on. So they're gonna point, starting from their left to right, so opposite for you, but it'd be. So this card over on the far left. Some people read these cards as this is your past, present, and then future. But I like to kind of interpret it. So this one over here, I like to see this as the root of your question. It's almost as if it's the root of a tree, the root of a plant, something like that. And this will kind of be whether it's actually the problem or the main thing that's you're pondering about. This one in the middle here. Well, this one is kind of like the trunk of the tree. Kind of like this is the whole thing supporting it. This is like what is what you're seeing that really is connected to this at this last one. This last one seems to be like the. The branches of this tree with the fruit you haven't noticed yet. Kind of like that. And this is. This here will put the rest of it into. Into better light, into context. Context is everything, right? But yeah, yeah, this is. That's how I'll be interpreting it. Of course, it could go many different ways, but that's what we've seen today. If you. You comfortable? Need anything else? Are you about ready to jump in? [00:33:07] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, I'm about ready to jump in. [00:33:10] Speaker A: All right, well, they're going to reach out their arms. You almost like can't see their hands as they reach because the sleeves are so long and wide. They're going to flip over this first card for you. Interesting. All right, well, this one here, there's a couple things about it. This is the nine of. Of cups, however, is you. It's reversed. So for this. When a card is reversed, it usually means that there is a. How do you say? It's. It's. What is there is lacking. Or sometimes it could be the reverse or just the absence of. But this one usually means satisfaction or some like a fulfillment of wishes for you. You know, just what you're looking for. But because it's reversed, whatever that is, you are not there. It's not. You're not. It's. It's. It's not. You're not satisfied yet. Whatever you're looking for is. Still needs a little bit of time to cook, just so to say. [00:34:31] Speaker B: Okay, that makes sense, I think. [00:34:35] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. Just, you know. Well, let's see. Let's. Let's turn over this middle one. Let me put this one in a bit more context. Oh, interesting. They're gonna flip over the ten of swords. Swords also reversed. So, okay, this is also interesting. So it's Another reverse, the 10 swords, though. 10 of swords. This one usually means that you've hit rock bottom, that you're. You're trying to be the martyr or be the victim of something. But being in reverse in this context, I think it means that you are nowhere near that you're. You're still in your prime. There's. I don't think you're trying to be the victim of anything or be a martyr. Just, you know, I don't know, a mar. Of what. But That, I mean, that's what I read. Does that ring true for you at all? [00:35:53] Speaker B: I think it does. Yeah. [00:35:59] Speaker A: All right, well, well. Okay. So still in your prime, but that's satisfied. Let's, let's, let's, let's. Let's flip over the next one. Oh, all reverses. Today they flip over the six of swords reversed. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Well, so interesting. So this one, of course ties in with the swords, but obviously with this, this one is like you normally when you have the blues that you're still recovering that you need to travel, but from. So I guess, huh. I. They're. They're kind of like, just like they're going to put their finger up to their. The shawl over their mask and kind of like in the pondering things is if, if you need math, my. My interpretation of this is if you really need to be satisfied or get your wish fulfilled for what you want to do. It seems that the cards saying keep going. That even though you haven't. It feels like you haven't been going anywhere or you're. You're still. You may have think that you're not in your primer. You can't keep doing it, it looks like. And again, this is me just interpreting all this. Looks like you should keep going at what I mean, only you could say. [00:37:52] Speaker B: Right? Okay. I think, I think that helps a lot. Yeah, I think, I think that this might be the piece that I've needed to see that bigger picture that I'm looking for. [00:38:15] Speaker A: Okay. All right. All right. Well, do you. Do you have any questions for this kind of stuff? Do you have any more questions? The deck is more than welcome to answer. [00:38:30] Speaker B: I guess another question I have is if the cards are telling me that I should keep going, how will I know when to stop? [00:38:57] Speaker A: That's a good question. Indeed. Here we're gonna push the cards a little closer to you and grab another one right off the top and flip it over and lay it down right there in front of you. Okay. Well, this here, two of cups. Well, this is. This here is interesting one, two of cups. And this one's upright. Two cups symbolizes true connection. Sometimes finding a truce where there once was contention. And you know, I think just in the context of all this, because again, context is everything. Context of that is once you find the connections that seem to be. Feel right. A truce between entities that are people or what have you, that feels correct. I think that may be the time to do it. [00:40:17] Speaker B: Okay. Yeah, that. That makes a lot of sense actually. And I think yeah, that. That I think, answers all of that air of uncertainty. [00:40:33] Speaker A: Well, that's good to hear. It's really good to hear. [00:40:40] Speaker B: That was kind of perfect almost. I guess your son didn't lie. [00:40:48] Speaker A: You know, like I said, the cards have power and they definitely will listen to you. You, you know, if you were. If you ever needed more pin for that, they're going to go to one of the shelves and they're gonna go reach into one of the boots that actually has the crest of the rebellion on it. Again, they look worn. They're gonna reach into that boot and out from their hand, they're gonna take out a small, almost like satin looking pouch. They're gonna run back to the table and hand it over to you and gonna say, okay, I want you to have this. This here. I got it from a former client and they said it was a rare flower, only blooms at night, and they were trying to share the seeds around just so that it could populate in more places because it was hard to grow where they were and they didn't want it to disappear. And you take it. [00:41:59] Speaker B: All right. [00:42:00] Speaker A: And whenever you feel like that time to rest, that time to stop whatever it is need to be doing, go somewhere and plant this, and that will be the sign that you've done right by yourself. [00:42:21] Speaker B: All right, I'll do that. Thank you. [00:42:25] Speaker A: Of course, of course. It's, you know, we don't want things to end, we don't want stories to end. So you can help it, push it along. That's the best we can do, right? [00:42:40] Speaker B: I agree. And sometimes if that also involves inspired and involved in others, I suppose we've done something right. [00:42:49] Speaker A: Exactly. Yeah. You get it, you get it. You know, good words, good words. I bet you teach or something like that. [00:43:00] Speaker B: You know, something like that. Well, well, thank you again. I appreciate it. [00:43:11] Speaker A: Of course. And you know, if you ever need me again or need the deck again, you'll be able to find me. I'm sure of it. [00:43:20] Speaker B: I have this funny feeling. I'm sure of it too. [00:43:27] Speaker A: The person in front of you picks the cards up, puts them away, and as you have out on your day, this small pouch of seeds in your pocket, you look back and you see that actually the sign is gone, door is gone, it's not there anymore. But you still have those seeds. You still have those words in your head. [00:43:57] Speaker B: Absolutely. I think I pat it and then just kind of walk on. [00:44:00] Speaker A: I think that's where we'll end that reading. So that felt pretty. Pretty direct, I think. [00:44:08] Speaker B: Yes, absolutely. That Was kind of a. Astounded at how direct it was. [00:44:14] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. This is the. The two sorts. I always find it interesting when this like something that is like so directly relating to it are always in the second and third slots because like these are always like. This is like, like really affecting you. And just all of these in a row. [00:44:38] Speaker B: I was so interesting too because you were. They were all like reversed too, those three. And I was like that's so interesting. [00:44:45] Speaker A: Yeah. Because swords are actually not always great cards. But them being reversed is really kind of telling of a. I guess look. I guess the cards want your story to keep going. [00:44:59] Speaker B: Yeah, I suppose so. [00:45:01] Speaker A: And this, this at the end, the. The two of chalices like at the end is really cuz like you're looking at it. It's also like connection could also mean like this one also like almost tied with like the lovers where it could also be considered like romantic attraction and all that. But I don't know if that's enough to end rebellion. [00:45:26] Speaker B: Yeah, just. Ah yes. The joining of these two people. No, but I really like the sort of spread of the cards. It was all very interesting. Again very direct but I like that they just kind of all led into each other kind of perfectly. [00:45:43] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you think that will be enough for them to keep going? [00:45:52] Speaker B: I think that's enough for her to keep going. I think that that's sort of is like that weird sort of mystical feeling where you're like. It was that little, little bit of like that little voice of like you can keep going, you still have it in you. And it's like that sort of reaffirming like that's the sort of little push that I think she needed in that direction and that especially with that last card, I think that sort of like. I think to her signifies that like she wants to find, I think someone to like eventually take over and kind of take them under her wing and that sort of thing. And so I think that's like her what she takes away from that. [00:46:40] Speaker A: So good. I would love to see where they're at in a year or so, see what's going on. [00:46:49] Speaker B: Absolutely. [00:46:51] Speaker A: I think for now we'll go ahead and start heading out but before we do, just remind the people again where they could find you, where they can find this character and where they can find like all of your other work. [00:47:04] Speaker B: Yes, I've been. Kim. You can find me all over the interwebs at do On a tree. D E W On a tree. I do a bunch of stuff. I do five GMs in a trench coat where we're a TTRPG actually podcast. We rotate GMs and systems. And this character you could find in our very first season, Fragments of the Rebellion. That's our fate core dragon riding sort of world. And you get to hear and see her character develop over like I think 40ish episodes or that sort of thing. And yeah, I love her a lot. She has a very special place in my heart for how she who she was and who she became. So yeah, I love her a lot. And so if you want to hear her fully, you can listen to that. We also have our second season which is Cyberpunk Red and then our third season out right now, which is Dungeons and Dragons. So we we play a bunch of different things. We also have a bunch of miniseries too if you if sometimes a longer campaign isn't really your jam. Yeah, and then I also do a few other things. I I'm one of the co hosts on Filmsplain Pod. We talk about movies and that sort of thing. I also am part of Amateur Dragon Highlander if you like Commander Magic the Gathering, do stuff over there as well. And yeah, I just do a bunch of stuff. If you find me on doing a tree, you'll find all of that stuff. So that's been me incredible. [00:48:31] Speaker A: Well, thank you for coming on. This has been enjoying. [00:48:33] Speaker B: Thank you so much for having me. This is so much fun. [00:48:36] Speaker A: Great. I'm happy. Well, that'll be it for now. So remember, guidance will find you whether you like it or not. Goblets and Gaze Presents Interrogation if you like the show, please rate and review and share with a friend. You can find more of our shows at Gobbits and Gays wherever you do social media and our intro Natural Theme was by Faris. You can find more of their work at eferisgames Itch IO if you'd like to follow our show, you can follow it on blueskyterrogation. And if you'd like to reach out to us, you could do [email protected].

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